2023 - A year in review
What a year 2023 has been! It has whizzed by; the days, the weeks, the months, all gone in a blur! I actually don’t think there was a time where it dragged, or there was any part of it where I wasn’t juggling, rushing around or trying to squeeze as much into to that block of time as was possible! When I think back to what I have achieved in 2023 it is easy to forget everything I have done, and its only when I look back at the photos, post an ‘Art vs Artist’ or write a blog reviewing this past year that I realised!
The main ‘big thing’ I did at the beginning of the year was to sign up to exhibit at my first art fair, and what a learning curve that was. When I look back it feels like it was so much more than 9 months ago. I remember feeling so nervous and completely winging it, but, I had such amazing stand neighbours who offered so much advice and encouragement. It was such a positive experience and a confidence boost!
The art fair made me re-evaluate my work, which I hope I never stop doing. I decided to sign up for 2 fairs in the autumn and to create a new body of work for them. I wanted to created work of different sizes, explore different surfaces and to develop a consistency. It took many hours and I loved it!
When I started developing a new body of work I had a vision of what I wanted my stand to look like at the autumn fairs. Once I had hung and positioned the work I was super happy (and a little proud) of the results. I felt confident, less of an impostor and more like I had a place there. I was again lucky to have lovely neighbours which had such an impact on weekend.
I finished the Fishpond signage commission almost a year ago and it was amazing to see it in my local park this spring. The signs looked great and it felt slightly surreal to see them in my local park! It’s another piece of work that I feel incredibly proud of and a reminder to say ‘yes’ to opportunities especially if they push you out of your comfort zone!
An unexpected opportunity was submitting a piece of work for the ‘Women of Richmond and Kingston’ exhibition at Fusebox in Kingston. It was a lovely exhibition and an amazing venue. I am hoping this becomes an annual event that celebrates the female artists in this area and it gets bigger each year.
I ventured into seasonal work when I started making these wildlife inspired Christmas decorations in September. It was very strange making Christmas decorations at the end of summer, it kind of felt wrong?! I was already working on wood so it was a natural progression. I love that they are a little piece of art to hang on the tree each year and it seems quite a few people agree! I am thinking on dabbling with Easter decorations so watch this space!
Finally the year is ending with a solo exhibition at the Limping Fox. This opportunity popped up after a conversation at my first art fair in March but I didn’t feel ready to exhibit solo especially as I was planning new work. It was discussed again at the autumn fair and I took the opportunity. It is fantastic seeing my work on the walls in a completely different space and a great end to 2023.
It is so easy to forget the achievements of each year which is one of the reasons why I like to review and look back over the last 12 months. I like to think back to where I was this time last year compared to where I am now and what I would like to achieve in 2024. For me it is all part of the planning process and I do love to plan!
2023 has been a good year and I feel really proud of the opportunities I have taken and the progress I have made in this art journey of mine! I have many plans for 2024 and can’t wait to see where they lead!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2024!