Post Fair Plans!

Well, the Art fair! In some ways it feels so long ago, other ways not so much. I’m not sure where to start on this one as my head is so full of ideas and thoughts I am still pondering over. It was honestly such a positive experience in so many ways and I learnt so much across the three days. My business has only been officially ‘open’ for 6 months and I knew exhibiting at an established Art Fair would be a big learning experience, but I went for it (I also had a good shove from a few people!).

Despite the nerves I enjoyed the set up and actually felt pretty proud seeing all of my work displayed - Art looks so different in frames and hung on a wall don’t you think? It was also strange seeing my name up there and I admit impostor syndrome was creeping in nicely at this point. Opening night was mainly friends and family and it was a really positive way to start the weekend, and then Saturday and Sunday was a bit of a blur. The three days were spent talking to visitors and artists, trying to stay warm (it was soooo cold) and soaking it all up!

There was so much that I took away from that weekend. Not only have I now gained an insight in how Art Fairs are generally run but I had the opportunity to see SO MUCH ART! I was absolutely in awe of the standard and variety of Art exhibited and I found it all so inspiring. The artists I spoke to were genuinely supportive, freely gave advice, shared their experience, and they recommended other Art Fairs. The camaraderie was immense; everyone was truly happy when another artist received a positive comment or sold a piece; we were all in it together! It made me realise how important these connections were and how much I missed them. I love doing what I do, but I do it on my own every day and to spend time with other artists discussing work and ideas was amazing, inspiring and refreshing all at the same time!

The whole experience gave me the confidence that maybe I actually could do this. As much as I love being a mum to my three crazy kiddies, for that weekend I enjoyed being me; being an artist, amongst other artists, talking about art. And I loved that my children saw me chasing after my dream.

I also realised I needed to make some changes. I feel that yes I’ve been creating pieces of work but that I have also flitted from one subject to another, and not exploring an idea fully to create a strong body of work. You can see from the photos of the exhibition I have birds, butterflies, pebbles, shells, foliage, lizards, rodents……..I guess there’s variety?!!!

In addition to this I also take on projects I just don’t have time for such as Inktober52 - why do I keep doing this? I am trying to cram everything into school hours, and I want to continue to do this until the children are a bit older and more independent and I will have more time. The realisation has hit that I can’t do everything if I am going to make this Art business work so Inktober52 has been put aside as something I might dip into depending on how busy life is (my Hubby’s been telling me this for a while but don’t tell him he was right ssshhh!) Basically, I need to stop skirting around the edges which I have felt I have been doing for a while, instead I need to get serious, focus on a direction and develop my work further. I feel energised and motivated by this and it is also a bit of a relief that I have made that move.

With the aim of being proactive and productive, I have had a clear out of my work and will be either reusing pieces in some way or they have been packed away. I have already updated my website and Etsy shop and finished a large commission so that after the Easter holidays I will be developing ideas around birds and the Kew inspired pieces ready for one or maybe two Art Fairs in the autumn. It feels good have focus and take control! After all, this is a journey, and its a journey I want to enjoy…..Watch this space!

Check out some of these wonderful artists I met at the fair and the beautiful work they create….go on, you know you want to…









Kelly x


A Shift


My first Art Fair!